
Monday, July 15, 2013

A Unbelievable Gift

Think back to those people who followed in the path of the apostles and passed their faith onto you.  For a lot of people (myself included) this includes their parents but also think about all the friends, family, and coworkers who witnessed their faith to you.  Those people who encouraged you with their words and actions.  Those people who kept you strong in your faith or directed you back to your faith through their friendship and fellowship.
We owe these people an huge amount of gratitude.  They gave us an unbelievable gift and is worth more than any monetary gift that they could have given us.
Now think about the other side.  Who have you given this gift to?  For all the parents an obvious answer should be your children but the list should not end there.  Who have you directed towards the Lord?  Who did you influence with your words and actions?  Who did you support and encourage by your example?

This is something that we are called to do.  Something that we need to do.  This is our job.

We have the opportunity to give this unbelievably valuable gift and we are called to do so.

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